This is a library of user-submitted code plugs for digital voice radios, including DMR, C4FM and D-STAR. If you want to submit a code plug for a different voice protocol, I’m happy to create a heading for it. Email your code plug with a short description to gordonthree-we8chz @ and I’ll add it to this library.
What is a code plug (or is it codeplug?) A code plug is the programming data file for a digital voice radio. It contains the frequencies and other information needed to operate a digital voice radio with a repeater or a hotspot. Many digital voice radios only allow analog channel programming from the front panel, and require using editing software to program digital repeaters and hotspots.
The DMR code plugs are not ready to use. You will need to open the file on your computer and update the code plug with your DMR ID. Files for the other modes might also require editing before loading onto a radio.
Digital mobile radio (DMR)
OpenGD77 Code Plug shared by Gordon K8DIY
This plug has the Mi5 repeaters programmed, as well as one hotspot with a bunch of Brandmiester talkgroups assigned. There’s also a collection of analog frequencies.